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War Page |
War takes an important spot in GoldenTowns and comes in two varieties : local attacks between towns and wars between countries. Both conflict types can provide fighters with large profits. When you attack and take over a town, you will start receiving taxes from the losing party. International wars, too, can bring you a lot of gold since the conquered countries pay significant taxes to the fighters who sent troops. In this post we will discuss in detail the military aspects in GoldenTowns.
Wars can be initiated between towns or countries! Though I have no experience with taking over another town as I am writing this, the clear idea of initiating a war for many would be profit! Once you have successfully won the war over the town which you had attacked, you would be receiving 10% of whatever the defeated town collects as tax, including gold!
There are two ways to attack, either by deploying troops or by artillery bombardment. Either way, the attacker has to place at least one unit in that town in order to initiate the 10% taxation of the defeated town once the war is over. If you think that's all to it then you're wrong, here's the fun part! As long as your one unit is staying at the defeated town to collect that 10% tax, the following town that attacks the defeated town have to fight your troops instead of the home team's defences. So you will have to fight off the new attackers if you still want to keep sucking on that 10% taxation! Still think you love war? If you still do, read on!
To initiate the war, you would have to either visit a town's profile page and click on the "Attack" button, or by initiating it from the War tab under the Attacks sub-tab. The later way would need you to specify the target name of the town in order to launch the attack.
Troops and Artillery
Troops and artillery represent tools with which you can attack and conquer other towns or countries. Troops are, essentially, unskilled workers trained in barracks to be soldiers. They are divided into two troop categories: regular and special troops. With the help of the artillery you can launch attacks with immediate results upon other towns.
In GoldenTowns there are 3 types of regular troops : Archers, Infantry and Cavalry. Archers have a powerful attack, the infantry has superior defense and the cavalry possesses speed. There are also special troops, defined by the players, with superior combat skills.
Regular troops are trained in barracks. Click on the patch of a barrack to have the dialog box displayed. Select from the lower right corner the desired type of soldier. Training the troops lasts 24 hours, and one barrack can train between 1 and 5 soldiers / day.
Troops possess 3 qualities : Attack Points, Defense Points and Speed Points. Attack points are considered when you attack a town or when you send troops to fight in the wars for the attacker. Defense points are considered when other troops attack your own town or one of the towns conquered by you. These are also considered when you send soldiers in a war to fight on the defender’s side.
Winning a fight is determined by comparing the aggregate attack points submitted by the attacker with the aggregate defense points submitted by the defender. If, for instance, you send 5 soldiers with a total attack of 500 points against 3 soldiers with a total defense of 400 points, you will win.
The speed of the troops is used to determine the time required by a group of soldiers to reach their destination. Towns are sometimes separated by large distances, which troops have to cross. The necessary time is provided by the average of the speeds recorded by the deployed troops. Speed is measured in patches / hour. If a town is 10 patches away and the speed of a group of soldiers is 5 patches / hour, the group will reach destination in 2 hours.
As we mentioned before, the speed of a group is provided by the average of the speeds recorded by the individual troops. Let us assume that you deploy a group of 5 fighters to attack a town located 10 squares away. The first 4 soldiers have an average speed of 10 squares / hour and the last one a speed of 100 squares / hour. The group’s speed is 140 / 10 = 14 squares / hour, that is the group will reach destination in a little over 30 minutes. Without the last soldier, the speed would have been 40 / 4 = 10 squares / hour, meaning that the group would have reached destination in precisely one hour.
Special troops are superior troops, for which a production license is necessary. The license is purchased from the mining fund and is valid for 30 days. A license specifies the number of attack, defense or speed points a soldier has. Based on the license, you can train special troops using the military academy.
Click on the patch of an academy, then the dialog box will be displayed. The licenses available to you are listed in the lower right corner. Select a license and the production process will commence immediately.
As mentioned before, licenses are acquired from the mining fund. In order to obtain a license, go to the War page, Research section. The dialog box in fig. 1 will be displayed
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Fig. 1 |
-- 1. Desired Attack Points
-- 2. Names of Future Troops
-- 3. Desired Defense Points
-- 4. Desired Speed Points
-- 5. Amount of Meat
-- 6. The Costs in Gold
-- 7. Amount of Iron
-- 8. Amount of Stone
-- 9. Wood Consumed in Training Process
The dialogue allows you to specify the attack, defense and speed required from the troops. Depending on the data you introduce, both the production costs, as well as the license cost in gold will be automatically calculated.
Troops consume meat, iron, stone and wood in the training process. The training cost for special troops is determined using the formula:
Meat | (AP+2DP+3*Sp)*0.1
Iron | (3AP+2DP+Sp)*0.1
Stone | (2AP+3DP+Sp)*0.1
Wood | (AP+DP+SP)*0.1
-- AT - Desired Attack Points
-- AP - Desired Defense Points
-- SP - Desired Speed Points
For example, a troop with a 100-point attack, 100-point defense and 100-point speed shall cost 50 meat, 50 stone, 50 wood and 50 iron.
The price in gold for licenses is determined with the formula :
P | 0.001 * (AP+DP+SP) * No
-- P - The Final Price
-- AP - Attack Points
-- DP - Defense Points
-- SP - Speed Points
-- No - Number of Licenses Sold by the Game in the Last Month
If, for instance, during the last month the game sold 10 special troop licenses and you wish to acquire a license for a soldier featuring a 500-point attack, a 100-point defense and a 100-point speed, you will then pay 0.001*(500+100+100)*10=7 gold.
Local attacks are the attacks launched against other towns. A conquered town will immediately start paying to you 10% of all collections, including the ones in gold. You can attack a town by deploying troops or you can launch an artillery attack. Even if you launch an artillery attack and destroy a town’s entire defense, you will have to deploy at least one soldier in the area in order to start receiving taxes.
The town will pay taxes to you as long as you have at least one soldier in that town. If the town is attacked by other troops and your troops are defeated, you will then lose control and the town shall pay taxes to the new victor.
It is important to remember that the attacking troops will not fight against your own troops if the town is occupied, but against the foreign troops present in town. This allows you to develop your own army which, when ready, will be able to launch a freedom attack.
Attacks come in two types : Regular Attacks and Raids. The difference consists in the fact that, during a regular attack, the troops enter the town and remain there as occupation troops, whereas in a raid the troops enter the town, fight and return. Raids can be used to free or weaken a town’s defense.
Once it has been occupied, a town can free itself by launching a freedom attack. A free town is no longer conditioned by the 10% taxes payable if occupied. In order to launch a freedom attack, click on the “Free Town” button in the main menu on the left (Summary box, fig. 2).
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Fig. 2 |
The dialog box in figure 3 will be displayed, presenting to you the state of your troops and the list of the foreign troops present in town. Remember that a freedom attack may be launched only if the total attack of your troops present in town is larger than the total defense of the occupational troops present in town.
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Fig. 3 |
-- 1. Number of your Troops Present in Town
-- 2. Aggregate Attack of your Troops Present in Town
-- 3. Number of the Occupational Troops Present in Town
-- 4. Aggregate Defense of the Occupational Troops
-- 5. List of Foreign Soldiers Present in Town
Launching an attack may take place in two ways. Go to a town’s profile page and click on the “Attack” button; or you can directly launch a war from the War page, Attacks section, “New Attack” subsection;. In the second case, the dialog box in fig 4 will be displayed
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Fig. 4 |
-- 1. Name of the Target Town
-- 2. Select Button
-- 3. The Defense Present in Town. In Order to Conquer the Town, You have to Deploy Troops With a Superior Aggregate Attack
Write the name of the target and click on the Select button. The dialog box in fig. 5 below will be displayed, allowing you to select, from among the free troops present in town, the soldiers you wish to deploy in the attack. Remember that only one’s own soldiers located in town may be deployed in the form of an attack upon another town. The troops located in other cities must be called back home in order to be able to resend them on mission.
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Fig. 5 |
-- 1. Attack with Troops
-- 2. Artillery Attack
-- 3. The List of the Troops Available for the Battle
-- 4. Aggregate Attack of the Selected Troops
-- 5. Aggregate Defense of the Selected Troops
-- 6. Verification code
-- 7. Total Speed of the Group
-- 8. The Box Allowing you to Specify the Number of Soldiers you Wish to Deploy
Once the attack has been launched, the group shall set off to the target town, where they will fight against the troops present there. If the battle is won, the town will come under your ruling.
Occupied Towns
As mentioned before, the towns where you have troops are occupied towns which will pay taxes. Only the troops of a single town can be present in another town as occupation troops. In order to visualize the list of occupied towns and the generated taxes, go to the War page, Attacks section, “Occupied Towns” subsection;. Here you will see the list of towns that you own (fig. 6)
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Fig. 6 |
-- 1. Supplement Troops
-- 2. Withdraw Some of the Troops
-- 3. Generated Collections
You can supplement or withdraw the troops present in a town. In order to visualize the list of collections generated by a town, click on button 3 in fig 6.1. The dialog box below will be displayed:/td>
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Fig 6.1 |
-- 1. The Number of Days in which the Town was Under your Occupation
-- 2. Taxes Generated During this Interval
-- 3. Transactions List
Wars between countries are triggered by governments and waged for the purpose of seizing new territories. Profit is an important reason to fight in a war, as losing countries will pay significant taxes as long as they are under occupation.
The commencement of a war is made by the government. Once it is triggered, the war lasts 24 hours, in which time the governments and towns concerned deploy troops to fight next to the attacker or the defender. If the war is won by the attacker, the defending country will be included in the attacking country, and all of the loser’s citizens shall start paying war taxes amounting to 10% of their income. Taxes are distributed to the towns that deployed troops to war depending on their influence. Only the towns which fought for the attacker receive taxes.
The influence of the towns during wars is percentage calculated based on the aggregate attack / defense of the soldiers deployed in a conflict. Let us assume that Spain attacks France. 24 hours later, after the completion of the war, 100 soldiers were deployed for Spain, with an aggregate attack of 10.000 points, and for France only 500 soldiers with an aggregate defense of just 5000 points. France will lose the war and be part of Spain. It will immediately start paying taxes. Let us assume that in this war you deployed 25 soldiers with an aggregate attack of 1000 points. Your influence in the war is 10%, which means that you will receive 10% of the war taxes generated by France.
The defeated country will not only start paying taxes, but its entire amount of gold owned by the state budget will also go to the winners.
In order to see the list of ongoing wars, go to the War page, War box, “Ongoing wars” section. Here you can find the list of ongoing wars.
Click on the Details button to find out details about the war. The dialog box in fig. 7 below will be displayed
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Fig. 7 |
-- 1. Remaining Time until the End of the War
-- 2. The Attacker
-- 3. The Defender
-- 4. Deploy Troops for the Attacker
-- 5. List of Towns that Deployed Troops for the Attacker and their Current Influence
-- 6. Progress Bar Displaying the Aggregate Attack of the Attacking Troops in Comparison with the Aggregate Defense of the Defending Troops Deployed
-- 7. List of Towns that Deployed Troops for the Defender
-- 8. Deploy Troops for the Defender
Strategy at War
There are a few basic rules in launching and carrying out wars, dictating the way in which countries can engage one another :
Neighbors - A country may only attack its neighboring countries. Neighboring countries signifies countries with which there is a common border as it is presented on the world map. For instance, Romania may attack Bulgaria, but it may not directly attack Turkey. In order to attack Turkey it must occupy Bulgaria.
Oceans and Seas - Oceans act as “connection areas” between borders. To better understand, let us take an example. We shall assume that Romania occupies Bulgaria and Turkey. It will be able to attack all the countries neighboring the above countries, but also the countries located in the Mediterranean Sea, such as Monaco, Spain or France, since Seas connect borders.
Connection Loss - If a country loses its connection with another occupied country, the respective country will automatically become free once again. We shall take an example. Let us assume that Romania occupies Hungary and Austria. If Hungary is occupied by another country or wins an independence war, Austria will automatically be free, since Romania no longer has a direct connection with this country on the map.
Countries Received Together with other Conquered Countries - If a country conquered one or several countries and is, in its turn, conquered, the conqueror shall automatically occupy all the countries that used to be occupied by the loser. We shall take an example. Let us assume that Bulgaria conquered Spain, France and Turkey. If Romania conquers Bulgaria, it will automatically conquer France, Turkey and Spain, since these were occupied by Bulgaria at the time of the attack. Romania will receive war taxes from 4 countries : Bulgaria, Spain, Turkey and France.
Surrounding - If all the neighbors of a free country are conquered by the same country, then the free country shall automatically be occupied, without the necessity of a war. The condition is that the surrounded country be bordered by at least 3 conquered neighbors. Let us take an example : Romania conquers Bulgaria, Albania and Turkey one by one. When Turkey has been conquered, Greece will also be conquered since it becomes surrounded
Occupied countries can trigger independence wars. Unlike wars of conquest, independence wars can be triggered by any town, by paying a charge in gold. In order to trigger an independence war, click on the “Independence War” button in the “Summary” box.
As we mentioned before, countries under occupation pay a tax to the fighters who deployed troops for the attacker. Additionally, the entire gold balance in the budget will go to the attackers. The tax paid by the occupied countries is 10%. The tax is paid both by the state budget, as well as the towns. The state budget will pay 50% of all the collections in gold, and the payment of the government officials’ salaries will be suspended as long as the country is occupied. Towns will pay a tax amounting to 10% of the entire production.
If you fought in a war and wish to collect your taxes, go to the War page, Wars section, “Wars in which I fought” subsection. Here are provided the wars in which you fought for the attacker and were won, together with the taxes you can collect (fig. 8 below). Remember that the occupied countries distribute the taxes to the attackers when the gold balance collected from taxes reaches 1 gold or when the stocks of a raw material reach 100.
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Fig. 8 |
In order to be able to deploy troops in a war, you need a spy in the attacked country. To send a spy in a country you need a spy base. A spy base can deploy spies in no more than 5 countries, depending on the level. Additionally, if you want to attack a town from another country, you need a spy in that country, as well.
Spies will also provide real time information about the town of the country they are in, in the form of classifications. To visualize the current classifications, go to the war page, Espionage section. Here you will find wide range of information regarding the towns in the countries where you deployed spies. Classifications fall into 5 categories : Basic Indicators, Product Stocks, Production Capacity, Military Force and Finances (fig. 9 below).
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Fig. 9 |
-- 1. Basic Indicators,
-- 2. Product Stocks,
-- 3. Production Capacity,
-- 4. Military Force,
-- 5. Finances,
-- 6. Real time depending on the section,
-- 7. Subsections
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