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Thanks to GuideHash for some parts, mostly from the start, of this guide.
Before anything else, I would first recommend you to join private lands from the beginning that gives gold as level up bonus or any other bonuses. And I recommend you join African Private Country. How? Click here (please read it carefully).
(GoldenTowns Strategy, Guide and/or Walkthrough to earn real money)
Below is a guide arranged numerically, can also be considered as steps, to guide you on your way to earn real cash without wasting any time. Follow this strategy, guide, walkthrough or whatever you call it to get the best out of GoldenTowns. I assure you that you will never regret that you chose to follow this guide. !!This detailed walkthrough, strategy or guide is compiled from different sources.
IMPORTANT: There are times where you're not able to access your GoldenTowns account via computer, and the only thing available near you is your mobile phone (android phone or ios specifically), I recommend you installing Puffin browser to your mobile.
The Detailed Walkthrough, Guide, Strategy
After you finished the mini tutorial, the result should have an additional level 1 market and level 2 house. Just leave it there and only renovate it when its over 25% degradation or depending on your choice.
NOTE: Don't build any additional production facilities/buildings like vegetable & meat farm because you won't be needing it at the moment. Besides, your current production buildings are enough to provide all your resources.
1. Don't operate the iron & clay building because you won't be needing it yet.
2. Start the production of vegetable, meat, wood and stone building.
3. Hire more workers if your population is below 100% so you can maximize your manpower & labor.
4. Build level 2 road starting from city/town hall to vegetable farm (5 tiles).
5. Upgrade vegetable to level 2.
NOTE: Make sure that every time the producers of resources is always producing, not in idle mode.
6. Build level 2 road from town hall to meat farm(6 tiles). Don't do shortcut by connecting the level 2 road from vegetable farm passing the jungle and breaking its ground because it will cost you a lot of resources.
7. Upgrade meat farm to level 2.
Question: Why we prioritize the meat farm upgrade when the other 3 production buildings are just beside the vegetable farm.
ANSWER: It's because the meat farm is cheaper to produce compare to wood and stone. If you choose to upgrade the latter then you might experience shortage of supply.
8. Upgrade stone factory to level 2, since wood is already upgraded to level 2 during the tutorial (when upgrading stone and wood, always upgrade stone 1st because its cheaper than wood).
9. Build level 2 roads to the far right side of the road(7-8 tiles) from town hall, just in the middle of 3 houses and build a market on the that location. (refer to the picture above)
Production (operate sleeping factories)
Happiness (look for upgradable houses or hire more workers)
Construction (start building)
TIPS: As you noticed during the 1st sequence which is Production, almost half of the vegetables are gone due to operating consumption of the factories. All you have to do is exchange your abundant resources in "MARKET" tab but never exchange iron & clay because it's too expensive to produce and quiet cheap to sell. Always perform the Production first, so it won't be delayed due to supply shortage. But in mid or later time of the game, you can convert or exchange anything to any other resources that you needed.
10. Upgrade 3 houses under the influence of market.
11. Build level 3 road from city hall to vegetable farm.
12. Upgrade vegetable farm to leve 3.
13. Build level 3 road from city hall to meat farm.
14. Upgrade meat farm to level 3.
15. Upgrade wood factory to level 3.
16. Upgrade stone factory to level 3.
17. Upgrade iron factory to level 2.
18. Upgrade clay factory to level 2.
19. Build level 3 road from city hall up to the 3 houses in front of market.(right side)
TIPS #1: If you think that the building is not needed for now, you can fire the worker of that building and hire that unhired worker to other important buildings, or you can use that worker to construct buildings or roads. It is important to be both Effective and Efficient in managing your workers as it may save your time.
#2: Remove the worker from the 1st market you have built during the Tutorial.
#2: Remove the worker from the 1st market you have built during the Tutorial.
NOTE: Idle hours depend on your playing schedule so it's not fix where it may occur on this guide.
20. Build Police Station at the left side of the market. (refer to the picture above)
21. Police Station already built, then upgrade those houses to level 3 that under its influence area.
22. Upgrade market to level 2.
23. Market already upgraded to level 2, then upgrade those houses that under its influence area.
24. Build School at the left side of the Police Station.
25. School already built, then train a Policeman at the School.
26. Hire Policeman to the Police Station.
WARNING: don't fire/terminate the Policeman or else it will be demoted to ordinary unskilled worker and you have no choice but train another Policeman, this may also applied to another professionals like fireman, doctor, cook priest etc. I'm not sure if it's a bug but it happened to me so many times.
27. Build level 4 road from City hall to vegetable farm.
38. Upgrade Vegetable to level 4.
29. Build level 4 road from City hall to meat farm.
30. Upgrade Meat farm to level 4.
31. Upgrade Wood to level 4.
32. Upgrade Stone to level 4.
33. Upgrade Iron to level 3.
34. Upgrade Clay to level 3.
Congrats! Your main production buildings are upgraded to Q4, it means that you can sit back and relax since its process is 24 hours.
35. Build firehall at the right side of the market.
36. Firehall already built, then upgrade police station to level 2. This process need an additional policeman to upgrade, so train another one at the school.
37. Policeman already trained, then upgrade your police station to level 2.
38. Demolish your school, and rebuild it on the back of the graveyard. Why? Just keep on reading and you'll know why. Follow the image above as to where you should build your new school. To do this, clear three patches and build roads every after the path is cleared connected to each other until you reached the back of the graveyard, and build the school there. Also build another warehouse just behind the original warehouse because we need more storage starting this point on.
39. Build level 4 roads from city hall up to the 3 houses in front of the market.
40. Upgrade houses under the influence of level 2 police station, then hire fireman at the school.
NOTE: I may be able to miss something here so I would like to recommend you to regularly check if your population is less than 100% and go and make it 100% by recruiting unskilled workers in the hall, and another is to regularly check if there is available houses that could be upgraded.
41, Upgrade house under the influence of firehall.
42. Firehall level 2 already built, check houses upgradable under its influence area and upgrade it.
TIP: If you are sure that you can login again soon, you can use all your available workers to build 1 building at the same time, just click the the building in progress and choose workers from the left to add them. If not, then make you that all your workers are building something before logging out. Make the best out of them.
CHECK: At this point, I currently have:
2 Markets
-- The market built during tutorial -- Level 1 (No workers)
-- The market I asked you to built -- Level 2 (Full)
Production Buildings:
-- Meat, Vegetable, Wood, Stone -- Level 4
-- Claypit, Blacksmith -- Level 3
7 Houses
-- 1 House near the City Hall -- Level 1
-- 6 Houses that we are focusing on upgrading
---- 1 Level 2 House
---- 4 Level 4 Houses
---- 1 Level 3 House
43. Build road next to firehall (Make sure you connect the roads). Clear the patch of forest and build a road in replacement of that patch.
44. Clear the forest next right at the back of the firehall. See image above, as well as the template.
45. Build a hospital at the back of the firehall, left side of the 2nd road you built. To be clear, check the image above which is the template of where the buildings should be built. Legends are part of the image too.
CHECK: At this point, I currently have:
2 Markets
-- The market built during tutorial -- Level 1 (No workers)
-- The market I asked you to built -- Level 2 (Full)
Production Buildings:
-- Meat, Vegetable, Wood, Stone -- Level 4
-- Claypit, Blacksmith -- Level 3
7 Houses
-- 1 House near the City Hall -- Level 1
-- 6 Houses that we are focusing on upgrading
---- 1 Level 2 House
---- 4 Level 4 Houses
---- 1 Level 3 House
43. Build road next to firehall (Make sure you connect the roads). Clear the patch of forest and build a road in replacement of that patch.
44. Clear the forest next right at the back of the firehall. See image above, as well as the template.
45. Build a hospital at the back of the firehall, left side of the 2nd road you built. To be clear, check the image above which is the template of where the buildings should be built. Legends are part of the image too.
NOTE:At this point, if available to you as well or whenever it is possible for you, an exclamation point will be shown above the old market and the house beside it. Demloish it.
46. Train a police man and upgrade Police station to level 3.
47. Clear the forest via Vegetation next to the graveyard (at the right side, not at its back), and build a church there (We'll demolish it later, just for the sake of upgrading a building)
48. Police station level 3 already built, then upgrade houses under its influence area.
49. Church already built, then train firemen at the school, after that upgrade fire station to level 3.
50. Fires hall upgraded to level 3.
51. Build anew church at the left side of the police station (you can check the building template picture above)
52. Upgrade the 1st warehouse to level 2.
53. Upgrade level 2 road from hall to the school.
54. Clear the forest at the end of the level 2 road.
55. Patch cleared, build a police station there to upgrade school to level 2.
54. Clear the forest at the end of the level 2 road.
55. Patch cleared, build a police station there to upgrade school to level 2.
56. Police station already built, upgrade school to level 2.
57. School already upgrade to level 2, then train a doctor.
58. Upgrade level 1 road to level 2 road from City Hall to the level 1 hospital (just 2 tiles).
59. Doctor already trained, and roads to the hospital is upgraded to level 2, then upgrade hospital to level 2.
60. Upgrade road to level 5 from city hall to the old police station (the level 3 police station).
61. Hospital already built, now upgrade houses under its influence are. I recommend you to check all other houses that is up-gradable and upgrade them now.
62. Build level 3 road from city hall to school.
63. Upgrade school to level 3.
64. Train a priest.
65. Build level 5 road from city hall to vegetable farm.
66. Priest already trained. Hire it on one of the churches. Train another priest and hire it to the other one too to avoid confusions.
TIP: Do not be afraid to use the current gold you are holding, use it to buy raw materials if needed. It will make it faster for you to build your gold mine where you can mine gold and start earning ;) REMEMBER only for raw materials. Do not waste your gold on finishing upgrades. As a busy person, I tend to love those long upgrade time, Im sure you understand why.
67. Upgrade vegetable farm to level 5.
68. Upgrade level to level 5 roads from city hall to the meat farm.
69. Upgrade meat farm to level 5.
70. Upgrade wood to level 5.
71. Upgrade stone to level 5.
72. Upgrade iron to level 4.
73. Upgrade claypit to level 4.
74. Train a doctor at school.
75. Upgrade the level 2 roads that connects to the hospital to level 3.
76. Upgrade hospital to level 3.
77. Upgrade houses under the influence area of hospital level 3.
78. Upgrade road to level 2 connected from city hall to the church located next to the police station. It should be just one tile since the other road is already level 5.
79. Upgrade road to level 4 connected from city hall to the hospital.
80. Train a doctor in the school.
81. Clear the forest next to the church the one that is near to the graveyard.
82. Upgrade road to level 4 connected from city hall to the school.
83. When vegetation is done (forest cleared in step no. 81), build a restaurant there.
84. Clear the forest along with the level 4 road (near the level 3 hospital).
85. Upgrade school to level 4.
86. Train a cook.
87. Step 84 completed. Build a road (intersection).
88. Clear the forest at the back of the firehall (next to the forest being cleared on step 87)
89. Training of doctor is done. Upgrade Hospital to level 4.
90. Build a road near the hospital (connected from step 88) then clear the forest next to it (see the image above for reference). We are doing this because we need more workers. We need to get more houses.
91. Build a road again after clearing the forest. Clear the forest again at the back of the market which is next to the hospital.
92. Continue clearing the forest and building roads until you are parallel to the church.
93. Build restaurant, casino, and other buildings on its locations based on the image above.
94. Clear the forest and build houses at the other side of the road.
95. Upgrade restaurant to level 2 (the one next to casino).
NOTE: Heres what you should do. Upgrade the buildings to any level that could influence the school. And while doing so, upgrade houses that is affected by the influence area. We need to increase our population as we are about to create a new production buildings
While doing so. Clear the forest just at the left of the already built production buildings. Build 2 vegetable and 2 meat farm at that side.
Upgrade Blacksmith and Clay pit to level 5.
57. School already upgrade to level 2, then train a doctor.
58. Upgrade level 1 road to level 2 road from City Hall to the level 1 hospital (just 2 tiles).
59. Doctor already trained, and roads to the hospital is upgraded to level 2, then upgrade hospital to level 2.
60. Upgrade road to level 5 from city hall to the old police station (the level 3 police station).
61. Hospital already built, now upgrade houses under its influence are. I recommend you to check all other houses that is up-gradable and upgrade them now.
62. Build level 3 road from city hall to school.
63. Upgrade school to level 3.
64. Train a priest.
65. Build level 5 road from city hall to vegetable farm.
66. Priest already trained. Hire it on one of the churches. Train another priest and hire it to the other one too to avoid confusions.
TIP: Do not be afraid to use the current gold you are holding, use it to buy raw materials if needed. It will make it faster for you to build your gold mine where you can mine gold and start earning ;) REMEMBER only for raw materials. Do not waste your gold on finishing upgrades. As a busy person, I tend to love those long upgrade time, Im sure you understand why.
67. Upgrade vegetable farm to level 5.
68. Upgrade level to level 5 roads from city hall to the meat farm.
69. Upgrade meat farm to level 5.
70. Upgrade wood to level 5.
71. Upgrade stone to level 5.
72. Upgrade iron to level 4.
73. Upgrade claypit to level 4.
74. Train a doctor at school.
75. Upgrade the level 2 roads that connects to the hospital to level 3.
76. Upgrade hospital to level 3.
77. Upgrade houses under the influence area of hospital level 3.
78. Upgrade road to level 2 connected from city hall to the church located next to the police station. It should be just one tile since the other road is already level 5.
79. Upgrade road to level 4 connected from city hall to the hospital.
80. Train a doctor in the school.
81. Clear the forest next to the church the one that is near to the graveyard.
82. Upgrade road to level 4 connected from city hall to the school.
83. When vegetation is done (forest cleared in step no. 81), build a restaurant there.
84. Clear the forest along with the level 4 road (near the level 3 hospital).
85. Upgrade school to level 4.
86. Train a cook.
87. Step 84 completed. Build a road (intersection).
88. Clear the forest at the back of the firehall (next to the forest being cleared on step 87)
89. Training of doctor is done. Upgrade Hospital to level 4.
90. Build a road near the hospital (connected from step 88) then clear the forest next to it (see the image above for reference). We are doing this because we need more workers. We need to get more houses.
91. Build a road again after clearing the forest. Clear the forest again at the back of the market which is next to the hospital.
92. Continue clearing the forest and building roads until you are parallel to the church.
93. Build restaurant, casino, and other buildings on its locations based on the image above.
94. Clear the forest and build houses at the other side of the road.
95. Upgrade restaurant to level 2 (the one next to casino).
NOTE: Heres what you should do. Upgrade the buildings to any level that could influence the school. And while doing so, upgrade houses that is affected by the influence area. We need to increase our population as we are about to create a new production buildings
While doing so. Clear the forest just at the left of the already built production buildings. Build 2 vegetable and 2 meat farm at that side.
Upgrade Blacksmith and Clay pit to level 5.
Please feel free to comment on this post and give your opinion. 80% of this post is not mine but I did adjust some mistakes, and planned to update his post every now and then.